Terms & Conditions

Injury Waiver/Disclaimer:

WMS is a sports coaching camp. As such, parents understand that sports participation does pose risk of injury to children WMS commits to offering a safe space. This is a space where playing equipment is set up safely and correctly, in line with NGB expectation and as per the risks identified within our Risk Assessment. Delivery and participation expectation put on children will be safe, realistic and in line with expectations as per NGB instruction.

You understand that despite all statutory requirements being met and extra due care and diligence being offered by WMS and associate coaches, your child may still suffer an injury as can be the case when participating in physical sport , and by signing your child up to our multisport you acknowledge that, despite all safety measures met to the highest standard, it is possible for your child to suffer sprains, ligament damage and bone-breaks in freak circumstances and consequently absolve WMS from negligence liability in this context.

Our commitment to you ensures in the event of an injury, WMS trained First aid staff will assess and treat the injury appropriately. This may be from minor treatment e.g. cleaning grazes, applying plasters - to more serious injuries e.g. applying ice, performing a head bump assessment and in extreme cases may involve the assistance of emergency services.

In any event of an injury, of any measure of severity, you will receive appropriate notice either by way of injury forms, head bump telephone calls and or forms and telephone notification in emergency situation.

Personal Items/Mobile Phones Disclaimer:

Children are responsible for the items the bring in from home, including expensive mobile phones.

Whilst coaches will endeavour to help support children with taking responsibility for their items eg correct use, reunited children with property regularly, it is the child that is responsible for safe keeping and use of items brought in from home.

Children are not permitted, under any circumstance, to photograph or video any aspects of camp delivery, including of other children. This breaches legislation and could result in police intervention. This is to meet all required aspects of safeguarding all children and their identities and wellbeing.

Whilst we understand some parents insist their children bring phones, we discourage use during activity time and only permit safe use during camp downtimes. We understand it is unrealistic to ban phones from the camps.

However, Wirral Multi-Sports takes NO responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged items from home, including but not limited to expensive items of clothing and mobile phones. Therefore parents and children understand hasving such items on their belonging whilst attending any camp is at the risk of the child and parent.

Pick Up / Drop Off Disclaimer:

As per our Drop Off & Pick Up Policy 2023

Drop off procedures:

• Wirral Multi-Sports (WMS) only assumes sole responsibility for child attendees after they have registered with both Head Coach and the Designated Group Coach, and the parent/guardian has left from the hand over transition.

• WMS can only assume responsibility for children during the specified camp hours of service as stated on the Class4Kids booking page.

• It is expected that the parent/guardian waits with the child/escorts the child and ensures safe hand over of child to WMS designated coaches. Whilst it is the decision of parent on whether the child arrives/registers independently, WMS highly recommends the child is supervised by the parent/guardian at all times of drop off.

• If the parent/guardian chooses to allow children to arrive and/or register independently, they do so at their own discretion and WMS can assume no responsibility for any safeguarding issues arising as a result. WMS can only assume responsibility for the child after the child has passed through both layers of registration on site.

• If parent/guardian arrives unexpectedly early, we will not be ready to care for your child.

• Parent/guardian is required to inform WMS if you wish to drop off outside of the advertised drop off/registration window

• Parent/guardian is to enter via the right rear car park PE entrance when a member of staff opens the gate.

• Parent/guardian to follow a one way system in and out of the setting for the safety of queuing the children/parents.

• The Head Coach and Designated Coach will sign each child into their sessions using the paper and/or register.

• Parents and their children are directed to their groups starting base during registration. Parents and children are guided by a colour coded route to their designated area.

• After being registered at the main desk by Head Coach/Designated Registration Staff, child is received by group allocated coaches. A further check on their own register confirms expected attendance.

• Parents leave via a one way system back off of the school site promptly in order to comply with safeguarding expectation. Occasionally, and with the authorisation of the Head Coach and/or Safeguarding Lead, a parent may extend their drop off stay for a reasonable extension in extreme circumstances of child separation anxiety. Parents are encouraged to ‘drop and go’ to assist transition from parent to the care of WMS.

All points of this policy are included in our Booking Terms and Conditions. Parents view and agree to these conditions prior to confirming their booking.

Collection procedure:

• If parent/guardian would like to collect your child at a different time to operating service hours (either earlier or later) we ask they inform us beforehand where possible.

• If parent/guardian is delayed for whatever reason, they are to contact us and let us know when they are expected to arrive.

• We will only release children to those permitted to collect child, as agreed in our registration questions sign up process.

• We will never release child to anyone named in exclusion as agreed in our registration questions at sign up. If anyone names in exclusion of pick up adult, our Designated Safeguarding Lead will be involved and police assistance may be required.

• In exceptional circumstances, parent/guardian may require your child to be collected by another unspecified adult. If so we will only release child to them if you have notified us either that day or the day before that they will collect child.

• If parent/guardian would like child to be collected by anyone else, they need to let us know verbally and in writing (text or email)

• If we haven’t met the person collecting child before, we will ask their details and contact parent/guardian for confirmation.

• If at any time we are unsure, we may refuse to release your child until we are satisfied that we have had confirmation from parent/guardian over the identity of the person.

• Parents are to wait safely in the rear car park area until a member of staff opens the gate. Parents remain the car park area and for safety do not enter the inner fence perimeter. 

• Staff will ensure that children will only leave the camp with an authorised adult.

• Staff will always only let children out of the setting calmly and safely.     

• Children are brought out by their designated group, with their designated coach, to the rear gates one group at a time. This minimises congestion and improves handover efficiency.

• The coach of the group informs children to look out for the designated parent/adult that is picking up the child, keeping all children on the higher ground at this point.

• The coach then positions themselves in the gate way to the designated pick up area (rear PE Car Park). This ensures the children have to pass the coach to leave the security/safety of the perimeter fence.

• Children are instructed to make their way down to the coach and gate when they see the designated adult expected to pick up.

• The child identifies to the coach the adult that they recognise that is designated to pick them up.

• Children are sent out to parent, in line with the aforementioned expected parent collector.

• Children become the responsibility of the parent/carer once back in contact with their child.

All points of this policy are included in our Booking Terms and Conditions. Parents view and agree to these conditions prior to confirming their booking.

Child Behaviour Disclaimer:

Behaviour Policy:

  • By enrolling your child on to our multisport provision, you understand and agree that: As per our behaviour policy, children are expected to behave in a safe manner in which their actions do not cause harm to themselves or other attendees. Whilst we actively promote social and emotional wellbeing and thus offer the time, patience and support to achieve this, you understand that we do follow a zero tolerance approach to bullying.
  • We reserve the right to cancel a booking and/or request a child to be collected whereby their behaviour persistently becomes disruptive to the camp as a whole and or/ in any instance whereby poor behaviour creates a risk to harm of themselves and/or others. Wirral Multi-Sports takes a pragmatic approach and we pride ourselves on our support to children in their social and emotional development, but, this is not school and we will request a child to be collected if these breaches are deemed significant, persistent or serious. We have a responsibility to ensure every child has a positive experience on our camps. In these instances payment will be sacrificed.
  • We will contact home, explain the issues faced with behaviour and ask you to reinforce the message at home. Where breaches continue thereafter, and a child is sent home on more than one occasion, we reserve the right to cancel and entire booking. A lot of effort and admin would have been exhausted in our attempts to resolve the behavioural shortcoming and so we will not offer a refund nor credit in this instance.
  • Children would be welcomed back in future in an effort to match our expectation of realistic behavioural expectation but this is at the discretion of the parent in believing WMS can meet the needs of the child. We will advise if we do not believe we can reasonably and realistically meet needs.

Inclusion Disclaimer:

  • We at WMS have the best interest of all children at heart, regardless of gender identity, religion, disability, socio-background, sexuality etc.
  • We believe we offer strong inclusivity for children with physical and learning disabilities. However, our provision is fundamentally a mainstream provision and do not identify as a SEND provision. As such, and in light of the vast array of identified learning difficulties, and furthermore the unique consequential needs and associated behaviours of those learning difficulties to the individual child, you sign you child up to our provision understanding that we may not be able to meet the individual needs of your child if that have a diagnosed SEND. We remain committed to safety and experience of ALL children and you book your child on to our camps understanding your child's needs/consequential behaviours fall in line with our Behaviour Policy above. We will of course apply a reasonable adjustment in line with DDA to allow a margin of discretion to the behaviour policy, but fundamentally you understand and agree that we may contact you to conclude we cannot meet the unique needs of your child, despite best efforts, in the context of us not being a SEND specific provision.
  • You understand the risk of signing your child up unknowing of if the specific LD needs can be met and understand if it is deemed we can't, we will refund you for all days after the same day and the following day. The fee for the day of the cancellation, plus the next day will be sacrificed as reasonable administration costs to cancel the booking, which may not be filled in the short turnaround.

General cancellations:

  • Prepaid bookings that are cancelled 5 days+ prior to child's first day of attendance of the given camp are eligible for a full refund.
  • Prepaid cancellations, made prior to the commence of the camp OR after the camp has started, made with less than 5 days notice are not eligible for refunds (credits may be offered at the discretion of WMS).
  • Prepaid bookings cancelled within 24 hours or on the day of the child's first day of attendance for the given camp, will not be eligible to refund nor credit as there may be no time to reallocate the space and a child may already have been declined a space based on your booking. Staffing would have already been allocated inclusive of the child's booking status that has later been cancelled.
  • In all instances where a refund is issued, if you have paid via the card payment platform, incurring and paying a payment fee, the rate will be refunded but this WILL NOT include the fee. This is because Wirral Multi-Sports does not retain the fee. Refunds are only issues by BACS or PayPal and you will be required to provide a valid UK account for the purpose of refund.

Sibling Discount Where Applicable :

  • SUMMER 2022 Update: Any child / siblings booked for the full 15 days qualifies for a 10% from total booking. There is no automated discount facility so if your booking covers all 15 days, DO NOT make immediate payment. Your booking invoice will amended with reduction and resent ready for payment.

All bookings are monitored.

DELIBERATE MISUSE of any discount code will result in the booking being cancelled and the places being offered to other parents. Deliberate misuse involves, but is not limited to:

  • using/attempting to use a higher value code specified for one camp location at another location in the aim of gaining a higher discount than that specified.
  • using/attempting to use a discount code for siblings not booking on for the full duration of a given camp.
  • using/attempting to use a discount code for the booking of an individual child.

Misuse is determined by way of accepting these terms, therefore knowing the explicit conditions of use of a sibling discount and thereby knowing the conditions of what constitutes misuse of the sibling discount facility.

Wirral Multi-Sports reserves the right to cancel any booking, without refund, whereby there is a breach of the terms of sibling discount.


Cancelling Bookings update 2022.

Please note: As spaces are limited, payment is required prior to the camp to confirm secured booking. You can pledge to pay cash on the day but this must be confirmed by email or text. Your place is not secured until payment or pledge is received and it may be offered to other children if payment is not made, or correspondence pledging payment is not received, prior to commencement of the camp.

Cancellation: If you make a provisional booking, we will inevitably reserve your child(ren) the limited places in line with your request. If you no longer wish to proceed with your booking at this point, please email/text us to cancel. There will be no financial penalty but the courtesy of cancelling your booking ensures we can offer the limited place to another child. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

Prepaid bookings that are cancelled 5 days+ prior to child's first day of attendance of the given camp are eligible for a full refund.

Prepaid cancellations made with less than 5 days notice are not eligible for refunds (credits may be offered at the discretion of WMS).

Prepaid bookings cancelled within 24 hours or on the day of the child's first day of attendance for the given camp, will not be eligible to refund nor credit as there may be no time to reallocate the space and a child may already have been declined a space based on your booking. Staffing would have already been allocated inclusive of the child that has later been cancelled.

In all instances where a refund is issued, if you have paid via the card payment platform, incurring and paying a payment fee, the rate will be refunded but this WILL NOT include the fee. This is because Wirral Multi-Sports does not retain the fee.
